About Love at the Roots

Rhiannon (she|her) is an educator, a facilitator, and practicioner whose approach centers embodiment, healing, and social justice. Her focus is on supporting individuals and organizations in understanding the impact that oppressive systems have on our wholeness and wellness. Through her work, you build skills in identifying systemic issues and learning how to navigate discomfort and conflict within yourself, your teams and organization so that sustainable change and transformation can occur.

“We are on the land which has long served as a site of meeting and exchange among Indigenous Peoples for thousands of years and is the home of the Western Abenaki People. I honor, recognize and respect these peoples, especially the Abenaki, as the traditional stewards of the lands and waters on which we operate. In that spirit, I acknowledge that we are guests in this land. We need to respect and help protect the lands within our use.”

- Dr. Lacey Sloan